Parents/guardians, please read:
I understand that if my child is not attending Kids Alive on any given week I will send an SMS to Ben Pantlin (043198673) before 3pm.
I give permission for appropriate medical aid to be sought for my child if the need arises. I give permission for my child to be transported by ambulance for medical assistance in the case of an emergency, or by an appropriate senior leader to safety if an unsafe circumstance should arise.
I give permission for my child to be photographed for promotional purposes only.
In filling and submitting this registration form I indicate my willingness to permit my child to participate in the activities of Oatley Anglican Church. I understand that whilst all reasonable care will be taken, I accept full responsibility for my child. Should an emergency arise, I understand that every effort to contact me will be made. If all avenues of contact with me have been unsuccessfully attempted, the Emergency Contact person listed in this form is aware of their role and should be called in such cases.
Payment: $5/ week donation
Kids Alive is run by volunteers, and so payment is used for things like the supply of afternoon tea, craft materials, and resources. Kids Alive runs for 5 weeks each term. Please make your deposit to the following account or you can pay with card or cash when picking up your child.
A/C Name: St Paul's Anglican Church Oatley
BSB: 032-167
A/C Number: 344 039
For all payments please include your child's name as a reference.